Granby, CT


  • Watching our child grow at Valley Pre-School was a magical experience. The teachers have a passion for what they do and they have created a beautiful play-based curriculum for the kids. Being involved in our child’s preschool education is an experience we are grateful for!

    Norton Family
  • Valley Pre-School has been an absolutely magical experience for both of my children, and myself. It is a warm, welcoming community that we are so grateful to be a part of. Valley Pre-School is so much more than just a school, and we have all formed great friendships as a result. Now that my oldest is in Kindergarten, I can see that he has learned much more than his letters and numbers. Not only was academically prepared, but he has Valley`s virtues to help him.

    Sterling Hall
  • Recently, I had the fortune, to parent help for our grandson at Valley Pre School. He is our third grandchild to attend. My visit was truly amazing. While I helped, I could see these happy children having fun while learning fine motor skills, values, social skills and many other educational activities. The teachers are thoughtful, caring and passionate about teaching. I love Valley Pre School!

    Tom Klem Sr.
  • I love, love, love VPS and the amazing teachers and staff that make it what it is. A truly magical and beyond special preschool…a place that is unparalleled. I might be partial, but it is because I have lived it so many times. You are all just amazing to me.
    I have such regard for what you do. I strive to be a better parent and person because of all of your examples. You all have a special zest for life, a certain inner happiness that is just contagious to anyone who comes in contact with you. All of you. Valley is truly magical to me. I am so blessed to be here again!!!

    Nancy Canfield
  • Everything the teachers do… all the attention to the small details; all the thought, effort goes into the pre-planning and preparation (of even the smallest table top activity); the willingness to be spontaneous, flexible and silly; the desire to offer creative learning experiences using all the senses; the effort it takes to offer a classroom environment that encourages and fuels the imagination… that is the creative foundation, “the gift”, that the children of VPS (and the parents) take with them, and I strongly believe, remains with them forever.

    Audrey Esch
  • My 4th child is currently in the 4-year-old program at Valley Pre-School. This is my 8th year with a child at VPS and it looks to be my last:( Valley Pre-School has been a wonderful experience not only for my 4 children but also for myself. My children developed a love of learning from the fantastic teachers at VPS. I love the way they teach a skill or virtue in morning circle and then set up several activities to reinforce that teaching. The children get to choose which activities they want to do and discover new ways of learning on their own. This type of learning has remained with my children. My older kids (grades 1, 3, and 6) will come home from school, tell me about something they learned at school, and ask if we can go on the Internet to learn more about it. They realized that learning isn’t limited to the classroom and their teacher. The teachers at VPS are also very gentle with the kids. I’ve never heard any of them raise their voice. Their gentle redirections help to maintain structure and control over the class. As for myself, I have made lasting friendships with the other parents and 8 years later I still enjoy getting together with them. I have a neighbor who still gets together with her “VPS friends” and her kids are now in college. VPS lays the foundation for a lifetime of learning.

    Yvonne Wutka
  • We enrolled our daughter in the 4′s program at Valley Pre-School shortly after moving to Granby. We didn’t know a soul on the first day but now, seven years later, our daughter still counts some of the friendships she made at VPS as her most precious. Although she doesn’t see some of her friends as often since they now go to different schools, they always seem to migrate back to each other. Our other daughter and even my husband and myself value the friendships we made through Valley Pre-School and are thankful that school helped to foster these relationships

    Susan Larson
  • Valley Pre-School’s best endorsements are the older alumni bringing their children back to the school they attended and the young alumni who have brothers or sisters currently enrolled.
    I am routinely putting away their VPS memory books and it has been two years since they graduated. I guess that they remember how special they were to the exceptional staff as well as the excitement in the classroom.”
    (I could go on and on about VPS…)

    Emily La Croix (Bunny)
  • I can’t imagine a better first learning experience for my children than VPS. The kind, loving, nurturing environment is precisely what a three year old needs.

    Laura Ray
  • I wish I could have kept my child at VPS for the rest of his school life. Positive, caring, encouraging, exploring, way of learning. All due to the remarkable people who run and teach at the school. I’m very honored to have been given the opportunity to experience VPS.

    Deb Beal

Enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year is open!

Join us on March 29th for our annual Swing into Spring tag sale, bake sale, and marketplace. This event will take place in Cook Hall (219 N.Granby Road) from 9-2. If you would like to donate items to the tag sale, you can drop them off on 3/28 from 9-2.