Granby, CT


“Childhood is a journey, not a race.” ~ Author unknown

For over 70 years, VPS has been preparing children for a confident and successful transition to kindergarten while fostering within them a joy for lifelong learning.


Launch your child’s formal educational journey in our setting of play-based discovery and exploration while addressing their cognitive, social/emotional and physical needs.


  • Two mornings per week
  • Tuesday & Thursday, 8:45am – 12:00pm

Class Routine:

  1. Arrival/Exploration
  2. Circle Time
  3. Free Play
  4. Room Clean Up/Bathroom/Hand Washing
  5. Snack
  6. Outdoor Play

3’s Pre-K Enrichment Program

  • Monday, 9-11:30
  • This program allows for an optional 3rd day of programming for children in the 3’s program.
  • There are limited spots available for children outside of our core program to enroll for just the Monday class.


Participate in our unique 4′s program rich with literacy, numeracy, science, art, music, movement, and imaginative play allowing your child to enter kindergarten fully prepared and ready for a successful transition.


  • Three mornings per week
  • Monday, Wednesday & Friday, 8:45am – 12:00pm
  • Extended day lunch bunch until 1pm, once a month for all 4’s students
  • An optional “Lunch Bunch” program is available for an additional $400 per year. Children who participate in lunch bunch will stay at school until 1 to have lunch and additional activity time with their classmates.

Class Routine:

  1. Arrival/Exploration
  2. Circle Time
  3. Free Play
  4. Hand Washing/Snack
  5. Free Play
  6. Room Clean Up/Bathroom/Hand Washing
  7. Outdoor Play

4’s Pre-K Enrichment Program

  • Thursday, 9-11:30
  • This program is held in 4, 7 week long sessions. 
  • Themes: STEM, Art, Movement, and Nature
  • Families can enroll in one or multiple sessions depending on availability.
  • Limited space available

Enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year is open!

Join us on March 29th for our annual Swing into Spring tag sale, bake sale, and marketplace. This event will take place in Cook Hall (219 N.Granby Road) from 9-2. If you would like to donate items to the tag sale, you can drop them off on 3/28 from 9-2.