Granby, CT


Play is at the heart of our curriculum and the day consists of a combination of structured and unstructured activities. We understand that in these early years, children enter our program with varying levels of skill acquisition in all areas of development. We continually adapt our program to accommodate those needs and fuel the interests of all of our students.

Joyful discovery is the hallmark of our school. Children are encouraged to ask how things work, to think through problems creatively, and to be inventive. We are particularly skillful in creating environments that are rich with possibility and allow the children choice in their exploration. Given that choice, children leave our program with strong foundational skills in the cognitive domain and are well prepared in the social/emotional and physical domains as well, enjoying a successful transition to kindergarten.

Woven throughout our multi-layered curriculum is the introduction of virtues. A practical understanding of virtues such as gentleness, generosity, self-sufficiency, kindness, persistence, safety, thankfulness, patience, respect, and excellence is developed through activities that are meaningful and real to the children.

We experience the natural world beyond our classrooms through nature walks, planting and tending our school garden, and field trips to points of interest in our community.

The opportunity for intergenerational experiences exists as classes often have “pretend” grandparents who visit and play games and read with our children on a weekly basis

Our program is uniquely enriched by “Our Boomerangs” – those recently retired Valley Pre-School teachers with a combined 100+ years of experience who regularly return to our classrooms providing additional contact with science, literacy, music, and movement.

Enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year is open!

Join us on March 29th for our annual Swing into Spring tag sale, bake sale, and marketplace. This event will take place in Cook Hall (219 N.Granby Road) from 9-2. If you would like to donate items to the tag sale, you can drop them off on 3/28 from 9-2.