Granby, CT

Cooperative Structure

“While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.” ~Angela Schwindt

Valley Pre-School, or VPS, is a non-profit cooperative pre-school. Established in 1949, VPS offers pre-school programs for children three and four years old. Each class consists of a maximum of 16 students, with two teachers and one adult helper each day. Valley Pre-School offers a uniquely caring and supportive blend of creative teaching styles and parental involvement. This union creates an environment that allows children to grow and develop a strong foundation of educational and social skills.
VPS belongs to each and every family enrolled. It is the participation of all family members that makes our school succeed.
Our success depends largely upon the amount of interest and effort each family puts into it. You will have an opportunity to see education at work and the way in which your child takes his or her part in the social and intellectual world beyond his or her doorstep. This is an exciting world into which parents often do not have the opportunity to see.
The need for the cooperation of all families cannot be too strongly stressed, and therein lies the success or failure of the school. It is the responsibility of all parents/guardians to participate in and support the school, whether or not they are parent-helping. Attending membership meetings (one in the fall and another in the spring) is considered an essential part of participation.
Each family is required to participate in an activity/role that supports the operation of the school. This may include serving on a committee or on the Board or filling a coordinator role. There may also be occasional requests for your talents such as baking, sewing, painting, or helping with a fundraiser. There are opportunities for parents to participate during the week or during off hours, such as repairing/building toys and equipment and maintaining the play yard.
The cooperative idea is fun and rewarding. It helps us to better understand and share in our children’s learning experiences. We see our teachers at work and enjoy watching as our children grow and mature under their kind and watchful eyes. The cooperative structure also gives parents the opportunity to meet other member families and form lasting friendships.

Enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year is open!

Join us on March 29th for our annual Swing into Spring tag sale, bake sale, and marketplace. This event will take place in Cook Hall (219 N.Granby Road) from 9-2. If you would like to donate items to the tag sale, you can drop them off on 3/28 from 9-2.