Summer’s Here! Get a Box!
Ah, Sweet Summertime! Let your imagination loose!
At Valley Pre-School this year, we were inspired by the book, "Not A Box" by Antoinette Portis. We used the same "not a box" throughout the entire year for so much fun.
After various trips and classroom experiences, the box became...
A boat at the beach, a tractor in the orchard, a firetruck, a Native American longhouse, a Thanksgiving table, Santa's Sleigh, the Emperor's throne during Chinese New Year, a Dinosaur Habitat, a puppet theater for Crazy Clyde and Mr. Moose, and the "We are the Dinosaurs Marching" set for our end of the year celebration.
Our advice to you?...Go get a BIG "NOT A BOX" and have yourself a creative, inspired, "always something to do" kind of summer!